Every profession has a strict dress code employees must follow. The guidelines for these dress codes are different for every employer, depending on your industry. The medical field especially has strict policies for the safety of their personnel and the patients and clients they interact with daily.
EMTs and Paramedics can wear jewelry such as earrings and piercings if their employer allows them to. Though many employers might have the same rules, others will not. So, if you are working to become an EMT or a paramedic, your best bet would be to ask your employer for the dress code policy.
This article will dive into some of the policies EMTs and Paramedics have shared surrounding whether you can wear jewelry on the job. I will also share some jewelry recommendations you can wear while working.
Can Female EMTs and Paramedics Wear Jewelry?
Whether you can have piercings or wear jewelry during work is one that most EMT students have.
Most women prefer not to take off their earrings or engagement rings while working, so knowing what you can and cannot wear is vital to upholding the dress code policy and making a good first impression on a patient.
Most female EMTs and paramedics can wear jewelry. Usually, this is limited to items such as a wristwatch, one finger ring per hand, post earrings in ears only (up to three earrings per ear), and medic alert bracelets.
Other EMTs have shared similar policies from their companies. However, there are some outliers. Some employers do not allow any jewelry, and others may allow you to come as you are as long as your apparel does not interfere with your work.
Beyond that, if you are interested in working for someone, it is best to dress modestly and wear little to no jewelry during your interview. Some employers feel offended by facial piercings or excessive jewelry, so try to limit what you wear to the above dress code to stay on the safe side.
For the ladies reading this, if you have any concerns about what you can and cannot wear piercing or jewelry-wise, ask your company for their policies on this matter.

I suggest wearing minimal and simple jewelry that will not draw unwanted attention or get caught on any machines or patient’s clothing.
If you have a nose ring or facial piercing that you do not want to take out, you can always wear transparent earrings like these MODRSA Clear Nose Ring Retainers (available on Amazon.com) to detract attention. You can prevent your piercing from healing up with studs like these while still complying with your employer’s dress code.
In addition, if you want to survey the various dress codes that EMTs and paramedics have to follow, there is a website called emtlife.com where EMT students and professional EMTs can ask questions, share their experiences, and more. So if you are an EMT student, consider looking into this site and gaining some wisdom from veterans of the field.
Can Male EMTs and Paramedics Wear Jewelry?
Male EMTs and paramedics can wear some jewelry on the job, depending on their employer. Most companies permit males to wear a wedding band, wristwatch, and medic alert bracelet.
Still, I suggest asking your employer about their piercings and jewelry policy before wearing any jewelry or rings to work. That is because some employers will not allow any jewelry.
However, wearing a simple wristwatch or your wedding band does not seem problematic for most EMTs and paramedics.
If you have gauges or multiple piercings, take them out until you clarify their policy. If taking them out is not something you want to do just yet, you can always switch to clear or flesh-colored gauges or earrings while you await an answer.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can EMTs and Paramedics Wear Necklaces?
EMTs and paramedics can wear necklaces while working, but they should not be visible during work hours nor hang outside the shirt. Hiding the jewelry prevents them from getting caught on the patients or sensitive equipment.
Tucked-in necklaces also prevent patients from being offended by them. A patient’s religious preferences are not always known, so if wearing a cross, pentacle, or other religious symbols, keeping it concealed can help prevent a patient from feeling discomfort.
What is the Average Dress Code for EMTs and Paramedics?
The average dress code for paramedics is a long or short-sleeved work shirt that identifies the company they work for, their name, and other vital information. You can usually wear black or blue dress pants. Boots should be comfortable, close-toed, and slip-resistant.
The dress code changes with the seasons, so be sure to brush up on your company’s dress code policy as the seasons change. Knowing the seasonal dress code policy will help you stay warm or cool and help keep you and your patients safe.

Can EMTs and Paramedics Wear Perfume?
EMTs and paramedics should not wear perfume or cologne while working. Some patients could be allergic to the scent or find the smell offensive. When dealing with patients, their comfort is essential, so it is best not to wear perfumes that might cause them discomfort or harm.
However, if you are someone who needs to wear perfume or cologne for whatever reason, choose a more natural or “skin” scent that will be barely noticeable.
Can EMTs and Paramedics Have Unnaturally Colored Hair?
EMTs and paramedics cannot usually have unnaturally colored hair since it is unacceptable at most companies. Hair that is pink, blue, purple, etc., must be dyed a natural color. Unnaturally colored hair is viewed as unprofessional and could also offend older patients.
EMTs and Paramedics can wear jewelry such as earrings and piercings as long as it follows their company’s specific dress code. However, some services do not allow jewelry, so you should ask about your company’s specific policy regarding this rule.
However, for the most part, you can relax a bit, knowing you will not be discriminated against for having piercings. Also, you can find ways to keep those piercings in while still maintaining a level of professionalism. I hope our suggestions help you find that balance of professionalism and personality you want to maintain.
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